There is something about leaving a note on the fridge in the morning that I love. Usually we leave post-its around the house with notes on them occasionally but I love the idea of your very own fridge magnets. Knowing Dan will go to get the milk out of the fridge in the morning and walk away with a goofy smile makes me so happy. Alright, lets do this!
- polymer clay
- magnet tape
- rolling pin
- scissors
- small letter stamps
- baking sheet
Lets get started:
1. Warm the clay in your hands. Once soft, use the rolling pin to get to your preferred thickness. Note: the thinner you get it, the better for the magnet’s sake.
2. Using the magnet tape as a guide, cut out strips of clay.
3. Stamp your desired words onto the clay.
4. Place the words onto the baking sheet and bake in the oven at 120°C for 20 minutes.
5. Once cooled, attach the magnet to the back of each word and walllaah! You are done!
What do you think? Do you love alphabet / word fridge magnets?
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