June 27, 2015


Source: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4

First and foremost congratulations on making it through another week. It’s always a great feeling finishing up on a Friday knowing that you can kick back and relax for the next two days. I mean, housework, shm-ousework… right? 

Recently I’ve really been getting into Pinterest (I know, I know I’m a bit late to the party).  I really can’t help but drool at some of the recipes that I have stumbled upon however I’m determined that this weekend I’m going to have to give one a go. The pictures above are the ones I’m planning on cracking out - if it goes well I’m sure to brag about it on here soon to keep you updated. If you’re into pinterest come by and say hi (my account is here).

What have you been cooking/ pinning recently? 

Blogger Widgets

May 24, 2015


Living in the hustle and bustle of Sydney life it feels wonderful to get away for the weekend, which is exactly what Dan and I did recently for the weekend. We drank wine, ate cheese and crackers,  sat by the fire and played hypothetical questions (am I the only one who loves playing that!? Surely not!). I am a bit of a grandma so taking it easy and relaxing was my ideal weekend. Dan then took me the next morning to a surprise beauty salon to get a massage and then we went out to dinner (and it was just so delicious!). 

All in all I am a very happy chappy and Dan has certainly got a few extra brownie points up his sleeve!

What did you get up to this weekend? 

April 13, 2015


There is something about leaving a note on the fridge in the morning that I love. Usually we leave post-its around the house with notes on them occasionally but I love the idea of your very own fridge magnets. Knowing Dan will go to get the milk out of the fridge in the morning and walk away with a goofy smile makes me so happy. Alright, lets do this!

- polymer clay
- magnet tape
- rolling pin
- scissors
- small letter stamps
- baking sheet

Lets get started: 
1. Warm the clay in your hands. Once soft, use the rolling pin to get to your preferred thickness. Note: the thinner you get it, the better for the magnet’s sake.
2.  Using the magnet tape as a guide, cut out strips of clay.
3. Stamp your desired words onto the clay.
4. Place the words onto the baking sheet and bake in the oven at 120°C for 20 minutes.
5. Once cooled, attach the magnet to the back of each word and walllaah! You are done!

What do you think? Do you love alphabet / word fridge magnets? 

March 25, 2015


Twelve years ago, I wrote a bucket list. This list was filled with the aspirations and daydreams of eleven year old Emily. Although unlike other hobbies I had at that age, I managed to maintain this list for another five years, diligently crossing off accomplished items and replacing them with new plans. Ultimately however this list became buried under years of clothes, books and new memories… until I stumbled across it a week ago. 

I have always found it interesting reading things I wrote a year ago, (let alone eleven years) and seeing to what extent my personality and writing style has developed. Interestingly, it seems some things never change. I still want to be a better person, own my own apartment and 'live instead of exist’. Saving money is more of a necessity if I’d like to eat this week rather than an objective on a list, and kissing in the rain isn’t all it is cracked up to be.  Not to mention I should probably listen to #9… Clearly some things never change. Maybe one day…  

1. Get Married / 2. Save a persons life / 3. Learn to speak Italian / 4. Save money / 5. Stop Gossiping / 
6. Get my own house or apartment / 7. Get my drivers licence / 8. Write a book and get it published / 
9. Stop playing on the computer when I have things to do / 10. Make a CD of Happy Songs /
11. Be less addicted to MSN Messenger / 12. Get a boyfriend / 13. Kiss in the rain / 14. Stop being jealous / 15. Be pretty / 16. Get my ears pierced / 17. Be a better person / 18. List three things that make me happy everyday / 19. To live instead of exist / 20. Start a magazine. 

Have you ever had a bucket list from your childhood?
 What was on yours? 

March 1, 2015


Happy March everybody! It's the time of the year where everything is slowly getting back into routine. Early morning bus rides with a coffee mug surgically attached to my hand, sitting in traffic on the way home, and passing out in bed by 8pm (I like to embrace my inner granny bedtime, nothing wrong with that!). All the while counting down until the weekend, just to repeat the week all over again. But enough is enough, it’s time to be grateful for the little things and stay positive. That said, here is a couple of my favourite things from the week thats been… 

1. Playing board games with the family and laughing till your cheeks hurt.
2. Taking an online course in social psychology. Finally getting my brain back into gear! 
3. Going on a ‘date’ with Dan to the movies to see ‘The Theory of Everything’… honestly, I think my expectations were too high. If you’ve seen it, what did you think?  
4. Oscar chasing me around the house (If you haven’t met him, you can meet him here
5. Spending this morning at the beach eating breakfast and admiring the view. 

Pinch and a punch for the first of the month! 
What has been your highlight of the week?